October 28th 2015 archive

Who Am I- Activity 2

The avatar that I have created on WeeMee represents me in many ways. I am very girly like my avatar because she is wearing a skirt and has long pretty hair. I dress very similarly.  Also the avatar has a muffin because I love to bake many delicious treats. Another thing about my avatar is that it is wearing a glowing star headband. This shows that I am very unique and fun. The headband also symbolizes that I am very funny too. There are many ways that I am like the avatar I created.

Who Am I- Activity 3

25 Interesting Facts about Me!

1. My favorite color is pink.

2. I had heart surgery in January of 2015.

3. I have a lot of weird and cool socks.

4. I hate tomatoes and ketchup, but I love tomato soup.

6. I want to be a heart doctor when I get older.

7. I love to bake all treats, but mostly cupcakes.

8. I love art and am very crafty.

9. I have a dog named Maggie who is 14 years old.

10. I have a brother named Ryan, who is a scientist.

11. My favorite show currently is Scream Queens.

12. I know about seven other people named Hannah.

13. I love watching movies in my free time, usually on Netflix.

14. My favorite movie is Legally Blonde.

15. My favorite restaurant is The Cheesecake Factory.

16. My favorite food is sushi, but I really like most foods.

17. My favorite holiday is Christmas because everything is decorated so nicely.

18. My favorite book is The Fault in Our Stars.

19. I love wintertime because I get to wear lots of sweaters.

20. I have a huge collection of sweaters.

21. I have always wanted to travel to London and Paris.

22. My friends would describe me as fun, creative, kind, and funny.

23. I am very talkative and sometimes go on and on forever!

24. My favorite flower is a daisy.

25. My favorite animal is a polar bear, but I also like pandas.